flow testing

General Nitrous Discussion

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flow testing

#1 Post by ERV JR » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:44 pm

ok besides mounting the plate above a bench or bucket and sraying it and looking at it what can I do ? I have heard that there ae issues to be adressed with the noids and other such thing but dont know what needs to be done to these items. Also how do you figure a tune like you would get if you sent it out to be flowed ? I would like a way to get starting points rather than squaring and plullin timing and fuel each pass. I want a pretty clean baseline if possible

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Re: flow testing

#2 Post by ERV JR » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:37 pm

wow nobody flow tests there stuff ?

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Re: flow testing

#3 Post by John_Heard » Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:51 am

I'll take a stab at this one...

First of all the purpose of flow testing is to determine how much nitrous and fuel the system will move during a certain duration of time. What your looking for is lbs per sec of both the nitrous and fuel. So.. You've going to need some accurate scales and a method of triggering the nitrous system for a certain amount of time. I use 10 seconds because it makes it real easy to do the math - but you can easily do 5 or whatever to save some money.

I use an industrial Omron timer I got off fleabay, it cost like $15 bucks - this is somewhat like a digiset timers you see in cars, just cheaper and more complicated to program. Anyway, lets say get a digiset so you're know the timer I'm talking about. You wire up the timer so that you can hit a button and it will trigger the nitrous or fuel system for a repeatable length of time, say 10 seconds. Then you weigh how much you've moved. For example you get your nitrous bottle up to temp sitting on a scale. Purge it down to your race pressure then record the weight on the scale. Activate the nitrous system then record the weight difference. Same for the fuel side... but you'll likely flow the fuel into a bucket or something. When it comes to a fogger you'll need to pull the intake if you plan on flow testing everything including the nozzles.

Then you'll have your lbs per sec values on what you moved based on your jetting, nitrous and fuel pressure settings. From that you can calculate your N/F ratio much more exactly and easily identify problems like swollen plungers, plugged lines, etc. I like to use Dave Koehler's Nitrous Master Program for the calculations, makes it real easy to plug the numbers in and get the ratios - but you can do it by hand too.

Hope that all made sense.

Oh.. When testing the nitrous, like a plate - 10 seconds of full nitrous going off will generate Nitrous snow flakes. Those will BURN you. Cover up, get the kids out of the garage, etc. Make sure you have some fresh air circulating also.


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Re: flow testing

#4 Post by John_Heard » Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:08 am

Oh - BTW: Nitrous Dave a member here sells a nice little timer just for this purpose of triggering the system like I described. If you're electrically challanged it's a easy way to start doing your own flow testing and IIRC the price is less than a digiset and plugbase I think...

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Re: flow testing

#5 Post by nitrousdave » Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:51 pm

Sorry to chime in so late, but thanks for the props John. While this wasn't my original intention for making the timer, it is excellent for just this purpose. My original intention was to make it easy to set fuel pressure by myself at the track, but I have done just what you are talking with it as well. I've also flowed differents jets at different pressures just to see what happens. One of my other intentions is to flow everything through the plate as well to see if there is any difference versus just the jet.

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